An award winning documentary film, directed and written by Karin Lee, "Made in China" looks at adopted children from China by families in Canada. The children, age 5 - 13, are predominantly girls and are disarmingly frank and poignantly insightful as they tell their...
OUR PRICE: 22.95
A must see for anyone considering international adoption. In "Adopting From China," former TV News Reporter Rebecca Coates Nee takes you on her personal adoption journey. She shows you everything you need to know about this complex process, from choosing an agency to...
OUR PRICE: 19.95
Meet the Singleton sisters, nine year old Emma, ten year old Samiee, and their friend, nine year old Lou Doyon, all adopted from orphanages in China. While the girls celebrate their cultural heritage and begin to explore their own identities, they must also confront...
OUR PRICE: 29.95
A must-have video for Chinese adoptive families. The number of Chinese-born children adopted by American families has grown considerably in the last decade. Each adoption is a unique story of parents and children as their fates intertwine. Each adoption is also a...
OUR PRICE: 24.95
National Geographic Ultimate Explorer host Lisa Ling travels to China to join American families as they greet their new Chinese daughters and examines the complex issues surrounding the country's one-child policy. In the film, Ling examines the consequences...
A baby girl is relinquished by her birth parents in China; she is adopted by an unmarried woman in the United States. What then? This documentary takes an intimate look at how four mother-daughter pairs create and weave together culture, heritage, and...
OUR PRICE: 24.99