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The Fun in Learning Chinese Characters BLP316


The Art of Chinese Characters, An exciting new series using original paintings to illustrate the structure, origins, and cultural background of the Chinese character writing system. The perfect companion for any student of Chinese or anyone with an interest in ancient cultures and language. Each chapter is divided into three goal-oriented sections. CULTURE: Delve into the age-old culture of the Chinese people and embark on a journey of cultural discovery, where the intricacies of tradition and daily life are sure to sweep you away. CREATION: Unlock the original meaning of each Chinese character through unique paintings incorporating the earliest forms of Chinese pictographic writing. Be captivated by the beauty and depth of the Chinese writing system as you blur the line between art and writing. LANGUAGE: Find yourself effortlessly learning to write and recognize an array of useful characters. Build a foundation for further studies of Chinese, one of the world's most widely-spoken languages.

漢字被稱為形象文字,它是一種特殊的文字符號系統,之所以特殊,在於它的形像是遊走在像與不像之間;作者認為像形文字有時猶如抽像畫一般,介於實像與虛像之間,因此,要談漢字就必須重新體驗象形文字,重新感受象形文字的真正本質。 作者原創近百幅漢字畫,打破傳統一筆一劃學習漢字的方式,傳達畫中有字,字中有畫的漢字美學,用近百幅畫快速學會近五百個漢字,掌握每個漢字真正意涵。

學漢字 就像在看畫,寫漢字 就像在學畫 !
  華人首部 漢字原創作品 !
  保留了象形文字的精華 延續了漢字原創的精神
  展現了「畫中有字 字中有畫」的漢字精髓
  融合了文字學、哲學、美學與創意 以藝術的眼光介紹正體漢字!


Paperback, Traditional Chinese Characters, 155 pages/book, 9.5"x7.5"
Item: The Fun in Learning Chinese Characters
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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