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Green and Blue in Bilingual BSB415


Red Separated from its family, a lone fox experiences, anger, fear, and ultimately love as it journeys home. Lost and alone, he makes his way through a dark forest, injures his paw, has glancing encounters with humans, and finds himself trapped in a cage, before an act of kindness returns him to the wilderness.

Green How many kinds of green are there? There's the lush green of a forest on a late spring day, the fresh, juicy green of a just-cut lime, the incandescent green of a firefly, and the vivid aquamarine of a tropical sea. In her newest book, Caldecott and Geisel Honor Book author Laura Vaccaro Seeger fashions an homage to a single color and, in doing so, creates a book that will delight and, quite possibly astonish you. This title has Common Core connections.

Blue There’s the soft blue of a baby’s cherished blanket, the ocean blue of a romp in the waves, the chilly blue of a cold winter’s walk in the snow, and the true blue of the bond that exists between children and animals. In this simple, sumptuously illustrated companion to Caldecott Honor Book Green, award-winning artist Laura Vaccaro Seeger turns her attention to the ways in which color evokes emotion, and in doing so tells the story of one special and enduring friendship.

《红 》红色是明艳灿烂的一种颜色,就像炽热强烈的情感,又像热度爆裂的暖阳,在世界上无处不在。身披一身火红皮毛的小狐狸天真烂漫,调皮捣蛋。它原本是森林中的一抹红,却不小心与父母族群走散,闯入了完全陌生的人类世界。在这里,小狐狸感到迷茫、孤单又无助。它迷了路,受了伤,落入了陷阱,于是感到愤怒和痛苦。幸好,有一个小女孩的善良和帮助抚慰了它,让它再次感到信任和温暖,并看到了生的希望。终于,小狐狸找到族群,回到了妈妈的身边,这是令它感到无比幸福和满足的事。
《绿 》这个世界上有多少种绿色呢?有晚春森林中郁郁葱葱的绿,有热带大海中浓郁的绿,有切开的青柠中泛黄的绿,有萤火虫的尾部一闪一闪的绿……这本书展现了各种各样的绿色,并通过许多形状各异的模切小洞构成了树叶、鱼儿、气泡等等有趣的形状,使画面更加丰富,也更有想象力,吸引人一页页翻找。每找到一处时,都会开心一笑,或大吃一惊。这些小洞不仅构成了画面,还神奇地形成一种关联性,将整本书的每一页都一个一个串联起来,好像每一种绿色都不仅仅只代表自己这一页的内涵,还化身在其他的页面之中,表达出了更加丰富的意义。

By Laura Vaccaro Seeger, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 35 pages/book, 10.4"x10.4"
Item: Green and Blue in Bilingual
Our Price:US$ 22.95
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