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Confucius and His 72 Famous Disciples BSL175


Traditionally there has been no literary or artistic work dealing with confucius' disciples, apart from The School Sayings of Confucius and a chapter in Sima Qian's Records of the Historian. The former is the oldest book with information on Confucius' disciples. There are still many blank spots in our knowledge of these men, even their dates of birth and death are often in dispute. The 72 disciples of Confucius and the brief introductions to their lives included in this book were written with reference to sereral ancient books, including The School Sayings of Confucius, Records of the Historian (Biography of Zhongni's Disciples), Unraveling the Mysteries of the Records of the Historian, and Complete Library of Four Branches of Literature. In simplified Chinese characters and English.

有关孔门弟子的文献资料相当匮乏,较为详实完整 的有〖孔子家语〗、〖史记•孔子世家〗、〖史记•仲尼弟子列传一等。而〖孔子家语〗是古籍中关于孔子弟子的最早记载。关于孔子弟子的生年及确切人物等,至 今尚有争议。本书所载孔门七十二位弟子及其生平简介,是将〖孔子家语〗与〖史记•仲尼弟子列传〗相互参照研究,再结合〖史记索隐〗、〖四库全书〗等加以综 合对比;在七十二位弟子的排位上,本书重点参照了〖孔子家语〗。〖孔门七十二贤像传〗中每位人物的生平简介,皆由中国孔子研究院学者撰写。书中七十三幅人物肖像,在参考齐鲁书2002年出版的〖中国历代人物像传〗的基础上,由青年画家张效仿重新绘制。

Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 103 pages, 10.5"x7.6"
Item: Confucius and His 72 Famous Disciples
Our Price:US$ 32.95
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