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New Concept Children's Math Storybook Series 2 BSM032


Learning mathematics is an important way to promote human intellectual development, and from birth to 6 years of age is the best period of time to do so. Getting children to develop mathematical skills at an early age is essential. Because of the cognitive and social characteristics of young children, mathematical knowledge is limited to visual  thinking, as logical reasoning ability is weak at this stage. Children can not fully understand and grasp abstract mathematical concepts, so how children learn mathematics has become an interesting field of study and research. This series features different stories that teach several mathematical skills and conepts, helping any child to learn math while having fun! 


Book Titles:
Who Stole Maomao's Strawberry 谁偷走了毛毛的草莓 - 数与运算/进位(培养分析能力)
Squirrel Dudu and Pine 松鼠嘟嘟和小松果 - 数与运算/复合 (培养分辨力)
Half Half 你一半,我一半 - 数与运算/分数 (培养分配能力)
Special Christmas Tree 最特别的圣诞树 - 逻辑推理/规则 (培养想象力)
Magical Square Box 神奇的方箱子 -几何与空间 /几何 (培养想象力)
Meow 吱吱吱,喵喵喵 - 几何与空间 /方位 (培养判断力)
Big Eye Frog 胆小大眼蛙 - 分类统计/比较 (培养学习能力)
Greedy Frog 贪心小青蛙 - 分类统计/集合 (培养组织能力)
How Tall is Kuke 量量酷克有多高 - 解决问题/测定 (培养组织力)
Hide and Seek 海底捉迷藏 - 解决问题/部分(培养思考力)

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 30 Pages/Book, 9.25"x8.25"
Item: New Concept Children's Math Storybook Series 2
Our Price:US$ 8.95
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