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Children Theater Idiom BST295


This book is a teaching guide for students learning Chinese idioms. It is a overview of the history of Chinese proverbs and idioms, discussing the story behind each of the 200 most famous and most widely used proverbs. These, combined with 40 other well known idioms, are need-to-know for Chinese students! A full understanding of 240 idioms is a milestone in a students education in Chinese. Besides that, it is an interesting and educational experience for the teachers as well. Each idiom bears a story behind it - its origin. Each volume includes 50 lessons on idioms. Combined with the concept of comic theater, the stories paint the idioms in a humorous manner, which makes it much easier for children to remember. Each idiom has an extraordinary story, allusions used to teach morality, applied by Chinese scholars for thousands of years.

歸納整理各版國小國語文課文,以 (小學生必知)、(小學生必看)、(小學生必讀)、(小學生必懂) 四本,帶領孩子一步步進階完成小學課綱必修的200個成語,並抓出課本沒教、年段不可不知的40個成語延伸學習:

全套深入了解240個成語,奠基孩子的國語文基礎,搭好國中國文學習古文的最佳橋梁!每冊收錄50個課文必學成語+10個延伸成語+成語接龍創新童話。 結合漫畫劇場概念,每個成語以一幅幽默童畫呈現,輕鬆記憶沒負擔:將文字化為幽默圖像,一個成語一幅童畫,一看就懂、輕鬆記憶


Book Titles:
Find Pauli Dragon【小學生必知】尋找保麗龍
The Turtle Jinman【小學生必看】烏龜金曼
The Mountain Tiger【小學生必讀】棒打山老虎
Ideal Animal Village【小學生必懂】理想動物村

By Pengwei Ceng, Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin, 230 pages/book, 8.6“x6.75"
Item: Children Theater Idiom
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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