The Cell Works:

Children look within a cell's nucleus and learn about the double-helix structure of DNA, as they learn how cells communicate with other cells, form living tissues, make fresh cells, and build into the organs and organisms that all living beings consist of, according to their gene patterns. 


How the Y Makes the Guy:

Introduces the world of DNA and genetics, explaining the processes of cells, chromosomes, and proteins, and discusses twins, genetic mutations, and cell diseases


Ingenious Genes:

Looks at the new science of genetic engineering. Young readers begin to understand how modern scientists copy and change genes within individual living cells--which make the altered plant or animal more resistant to certain diseases. But this is only one of many avenues of discovery in this exciting field.


Your Body's Heroes and Villains:

Young readers watch as viruses of a common head cold invade a human body and as bacteria cells invade the body through a small wound. These are the body's villains, but they are fought off and finally overcome by hero antibodies-- produced by our bodies to protect us from harmful microscopic invaders.