No Longer a Dilly Dally, Time Remote!:

Ants have to work hard during the summer to build their homes and gather food for the winter, but the Dilly Dally family have a different tradition: they always play first. If they have any time, then they work a little. The Family Work Play ants, however, first build their house and gather their food, then they relax and have fun. So they built a strong house and had lots of food for the coming winter. When the long, cold winter came, the Dilly Dally family had a tough time getting food and keeping warm. However, they learned an important lesson, and changed their name to Family Work First. In this delightful and inspiring book, Carl Sommer shows the importance of diligence, responsibility, and having a proper work ethic.


Mayor for a Day, No One Will Ever Know:

As a reward for winning the soccer championship, Davy is chosen Mayor for a Day. Tired of rules, Davys first official announcement as mayor, to the great delight of his friends, is the elimination of all rules for a day. What ensues is a rollicking and disastrous turn of events as order in school and the whole town breaks down and chaos reigns supreme. Davy finally saves the day. This fascinating story demonstrates the importance of rules at home, at school, and in society.


If Only i Were.., I Am a Lion!:

Missy the mouse has a very big problem—she's dissatisfied with who she is and what she looks like. She thinks her ears are too big and her tail is too skinny. Even worse, Horace the cat is constantly chasing her, and she can't do anything about it! If only she could be as big and beautiful as Horace, then all her problems would be gone. One day, while being chased by Horace, Missy wishes herself into becoming a big cat. Her wish comes true, and she chases Horace. Missy is delighted that she is now the biggest and most beautiful cat in the whole world. But she quickly discovers that cats have serious problems with dogs. As Missy wishes herself into becoming bigger and stronger creatures, she discovers that everyone has problems.


Spike the Rebel!, King of the Pond:

The young tadpoles in the pond are growing sick and tired of Tombo! Because he is bigger than his fellow tadpoles, he is also faster and stronger, but the others resent his incessant bragging. As is often the case with the biggest, most self-centered tadpoles, what begins as boasting soon turns into bullying. Tombo chases and nips at the others, and the more uncomfortable they are, the more he laughs.

Through a twist of fate, what goes around comes around for Tombo. He learns the hard way what it feels like to be on the losing end.


Tied Up in Knots, It's Not Fair!:

Benny and Sally don't mind doing their farm chores and caring for their mules, but they absolutely refuse to share. Their mules, Bossy and Stiffy, imitate their owners' selfish ways by stubbornly refusing to let anyone else ride them, and fussing whenever they work together doing farm work. Dad needs to teach the mules a lesson. He ties them together which forces them to learn to cooperate in order to eat. After much struggling, the mules learn to work together, and teach their owners Benny and Sally that sharing brings happiness. This delightful story by Carl Sommer shows the importance of cooperation, tolerance and respect.


Dare to Dream!, The Great Royal Race:

It was time for the beautiful princess Elizabeth to be married. Charming Simon and the strong, handsome Thomas came to ask her hand in marriage. And then there was John, the handsome but not-so-flashy commoner whom Elizabeth had first noticed helping an old man get his wagon out of a muddy ditch. Not sure about the true character of her three suitors, Elizabeth had them run a race to reveal what they were really like in difficult situations. Tempted by distractions planted by the wise king, two of the three runners failed to keep their eyes on their goal. But the commoner John stayed focused on the beautiful princess-he passed the test of the Great Royal Race. This inspiring story by Carl Sommer shows how goal setting, perseverance, and loyalty will bring success.


Noise! Noise! Noise!, Miserable Millie:

When it feels like the whole world is against you, the simple comforts of life just don't cut the mustard, at least not as far as Millie is concerned. While she lives in a nice house, has good food to eat and many toys, Millie is nevertheless miserable, and when she doesn't get her way, she takes her misery out on others.


The Little Red Train, Can You Help Me Find My Smile?:

Trapped high on a mountain by deep snow, hungry townspeople wait desperately for one of the three big trains to bring them food, but they all refuse to go up the mountain. Seeing the desperate situation, The Little Red Train and a family of brave helpers decide to go up the mountain in spite of the ridicule from the big trains. The Little Red Train and it helpers overcome severe obstacles and save the people from starvation. In this exciting and vividly illustrated book, Carl Sommer shows the value of perseverance, compassion, and civic virtue, and children learn to sing the song: Try! Try! Try!