Mealtime 宝宝要吃饭

Mealtime—“Yummy-in-the-tummy time”—is an opportunity to teach young children two major life skills: nutrition and table manners. Simple but important mealtime routines come to life as the toddlers in this book remember to wash their hands, use a napkin and fork or spoon, stay at the table, and eat healthy foods. Toddlers also learn the one big rule for mealtime: Always try one bite (“You just might like it!”). Parents and caregivers want toddlers to develop healthy eating habits and positive mealtime routines. This book helps them do so with Verdick’s keen ability to speak directly to little ones and Heinlen’s delightful, appealing illustrations. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.


Manners Time 宝宝懂礼仪

Manners start with a smile—then you add the words. There are polite words to use when you greet someone, ask for something, or (oops!) make a mistake. There’s even a nice way to say no. This book gives toddlers a head start on manners, setting the stage for social skills that will last a lifetime. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.

礼仪从微笑开始——接着学会使用礼貌用语。当你打招呼,祈求某件事情,或 (哎呀!) 犯了一个错误时可以使用有礼貌的语言。即使拒绝对方也可以用很好的方式说不。礼仪,作为能够在人生舞台一直持续的社会技能,这本书可以给幼儿一个良好的开端。同时父母和照顾者的技巧也包括在每本书的结尾。

Bye-Bye Time 高高兴兴说再见

Being dropped off at childcare or cared for by a baby-sitter means saying good-bye to Mom or Dad—and for many toddlers, bye-bye is a big deal. This gentle book helps ease the transition with simple rituals: hugs and kisses, a big wave, a deep breath, and the confidence to seek comfort with the new caregiver or other children. Toddlers learn that good-bye isn’t forever, it’s just for a while.


Calm-Down Time 1.2.3平静下来

Every parent, caregiver—and toddler—knows the misery that comes with meltdowns and temper tantrums. Through rhythmic text and warm illustrations, this gentle, reassuring book offers toddlers simple tools to release strong feelings, express them, and calm themselves down. Children learn to use their calm-down place—a quiet space where they can cry, ask for a hug, sing to themselves, be rocked in a grown-up’s arms, talk about feelings, and breathe: “One, two, three . . . I’m calm as can be. I’m taking care of me.” After a break, toddlers will feel like new—and adults will, too. Books include tips for parents and caregivers.

每个父母,照看者 都知道照看孩子附带的崩溃和脾气暴躁的孩子的痛苦。通过有节奏的文字和温暖的插图,这温柔,令人放心,本书提供幼儿简单的工具,释放强烈的感情、 表达它们,并让自己平静下来。孩子们学会使用他们平静下来的地方,一个安静的地方,在那里他们就会哭,索要一个拥抱,唱给自己,被摇中长大的怀抱,谈论感觉,和呼吸:"一、 二、 ......平静下来 !我要照顾我。"休息后,幼儿会感觉像新的一样,成人也会如此。同时父母和照顾者的技巧也包括在每本书的结尾。

Clean-Up Time 高高兴兴做整理

Toddlers will look forward to clean-up time with this simple rhyming book that encourages them to chant along as they tidy up. Young children learn to work together to put items in their place, make a neater space, keep a smile on their face—and make room for more fun. Delightful illustrations enhance the text.


Bedtime 该睡觉啦

Ease little ones into the get-ready-for-bed routine with this warm and cozy bedtime book. Aided by Mom and Dad, a sister and brother enjoy a little snack, relaxing baths, time for brushing teeth, stories, lullabies, back rubs, and hugs. Cheerful, soft illustrations and reassuring text set a tone that helps toddlers feel good about settling down to sleep. (As the narrator explains, “I do my best growing when I’m sleeping.”) In the morning, the children will yawn, stretch, and be a little bit bigger, a little bit stronger, and a little bit smarter—all because of a good night’s sleep. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.

Listening Time ~~

"Put away the wiggles. Put away the giggles. Listening works better when your body’s calm and still."; When it’s time for young children to listen closely, this book sets the tone. They discover that it’s important to open their eyes and ears but to close their mouths ("zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket";) so good listening can begin. An award-winning author/illustrator team offers a fresh look at the times and transitions all toddlers face daily, giving young children the tools to handle routines with confidence and cooperation. Part of the Toddler Tools series, Listening Time can be shared before (or during) the desired "time,"; or whenever toddlers need encouragement with routines. 

On-the-Go Time 宝宝要出门

With On-the-Go Time, shopping and errands really can mean fewer hassles and more fun for everyone! Toddlers learn simple tools and encouragement to keep moving, cope with the changing scenes, and be super helpers in the car, at the store or library, and on the road. What do they do when they’re on-the-go? Listen, follow along, and even lend a hand. If they’re disappointed or overstimulated along the way, they can take deep breaths to calm down. Who says running errands with toddlers has to be stressful? Includes tips for parents and caregivers. 

Sharing Time 高高兴兴一起玩

Sometimes it’s fun to share, and sometimes it’s hard. This book offers toddlers simple choices (take turns, use the toy together, wait for another time) to make sharing easier, and shows them where to turn for help when sharing is difficult. Little ones learn that sharing can mean double the fun—and sharing a while can make someone smile! Includes tips for parents and caregivers.

Naptime 宝宝要午睡

Naps are just a little break—but when it’s naptime, many toddlers have trouble settling into sleep. This calming, encouraging book helps young children quiet down so they can get the rest they need. Eyes are closed, lights are dimmed…and (yawn, s-t-r-e-t-c-h) before little ones know it, it’s time to wake up. Cozy illustrations enhance the text.
