Fighting the Ivory Boned Spirit Vol.1: Master Tang and his disciples traveled East into Mountain Wantzu and encountered the fickle Ivory Boned Spirit. While the Monkey King was not out on duty, the spirit shifts itself into a little girl at first and then a elderly lady in an attempt to kidnap Master Tang. However, Monkey King rushed back in time and chased the spirit away. Mater Tang mistakenly thought Monkey King were beating the innocent and was enraged. As their relationship worsen, the Ivory Boned Spirit shifts again for the third time with an evil plot.

 “三打白骨精”上篇故事梗概: 唐僧师徒一路西行,来到了丸子山,遇上了善于变化算计的白骨精。白骨精趁着悟空外出,先后变化成小姑娘和老太太,企图骗走唐僧,却都被及时赶回的悟空识破赶走。唐僧不明真相,因为悟空伤害无辜而十分恼怒,眼看师徒关系就要破裂,白骨精却第三次变化,又来挑拨……

Fighting the Ivory Boned Spirit Vol.2: Ivory Boned Spirit shifts for the third time and was disrupted by Monkey King once again while Master Tang repeatedly tried to stop Monkey King. In a rage, Master Tang sent Monkey King back to the Mountain of the Floral Fruits. Without the Monkey Key, the Ivory Boned Spirit successfully captured Master Tang. The Pig Lord asked for aid from the Monkey King out of desperation. In the end, the Monkey King defeated the Ivory Boned Spirit and their misunderstanding was resolved as well.

“三打白骨精”下篇故事梗概: 白骨精第三次变化又被悟空识破,唐僧却再三阻止悟空除妖。师徒矛盾再次升级,唐僧一气之下将悟空赶回了花果山。少了悟空的阻拦,白骨精顺利捉到了唐僧。走投无路的八戒请回悟空相助,最终悟空除掉了白骨精,师徒之间的误会也得以化解。

Stealing the Gin Seng Fruit Vol.1: Master Tang and his disciples traveled east into the Five Villages of Mountain Longevity where the village Gin Seng fruit that grants longevity is stored. Without permission, the Monkey King and the Pig Lord ate the fruit. The villages Taoist discovered the missing fruit and questions Master Tang fiercely. In a rage, Monkey King and other disciples chopped down the Gin Seng tree. To avoid grave consequences, Master Tang and the disciples fled the village overnight. Upon learning the incident, the Village’s Guardian chased down the group and brought them back to the village.

。《偷吃人参果上》故事梗概:唐僧师徒一路西行,来到了万寿山五庄观,观里的人参果能让人延年益寿。未经允许,悟空八戒偷吃了人参果,观里的小道发现后 来与唐僧理论,悟空一气之下推倒了人参果树。闯下大祸,师徒四人只好连夜逃出了五庄观,镇元大仙外出回来得知此事后,追上唐僧师徒将他们捉拿回了五庄观


The Village’s Guardian wanted to punished Master Tang and his disciples who destroyed the Gin Seng Tree. However, the resourceful Monkey King manages to escape every time. After hearing the teaching and questioning of Master Tang and the Villages Guardian. Wu Kong finally realized his wrong doing and promised to save the dying Gin Seng Tree. He managed to receive help from the Goddess of Mercy to restore the Gin Seng tree.
