The Pout-Pout Fish 撅嘴巴的大头鱼


Deep in the water,
Mr. Fish swims about
With his fish face stuck
In a permanent pout.


Can his pals cheer him up?
Will his pout ever end?
Is there something he can learn
From an unexpected friend?


Swim along with the pout-pout fish as he discovers that being glum and spreading "dreary wearies" isn't really his destiny. Bright ocean colors and playful rhyme come together in Deborah Diesen's fun fish story that's sure to turn even the poutiest of frowns upside down.


大海深处,大头鱼先生终日撅着嘴巴,愁眉苦脸地游来游去。周围的朋友们能使他重新快乐起来吗? 他的大嘴巴会永远撅着吗?一位朋友突然出现,这会给他带来什么收获呢?来吧,随着撅嘴巴的大头鱼一起在大海中游历,共同去发现,其实他并非天生注定不快乐。海底缤纷的色彩与韵味十足的语言一起,描绘出这则妙趣横生的鱼世界中的故事。读完,相信再愁眉不展的面孔也会重现喜笑颜开。


The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark 大头鱼深海寻宝记


Mr. Fish wants to help his friend Ms. Clam when she loses her pearl, but though he's fast as a sailfish, as smart as dolphin, and as strong as a shark, Mr. Fish has a secret: he's scared of the dark!




The Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School大头鱼上学记


Turn little pouts into big smiles!


Mr. Fish is nervously awaiting his first day of school, and he frets about not knowing how to write his name, how to draw shapes, and how to do math―until he's reassured that school is the perfect place to learn how to master all of these new skills, in Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School from Deborah Diesen and Dan Hanna.



