How Rocket Learned to Read 洛克的阅读课

Learn to read with this New York Times-bestselling picture book, starring an irresistible dog named Rocket and his teacher, a little yellow bird. Follow along as Rocket masters the alphabet, sounds out words, and finally . . . learns to read all on his own! With a story that makes reading fun—and will even help listeners learn to read—this book is ideal for kindergarten classrooms and story hour or as a gift for that beginning reader.



Rocket Writes a Story 洛克的写作课

Rocket loves books and he wants to make his own, but he can't think of a story. Encouraged by the little yellow bird to look closely at the world around him for inspiration, Rocket sets out on a journey. Along the way he discovers small details that he has never noticed before, a timid baby owl who becomes his friend, and an idea for a story.

小狗洛克喜欢书,每当翻开一本书,他就好像到了一个从来没到过的地方,遇见了从来没见过的朋友。小狗洛克也喜欢词语,他用鼻子逮到过好多好词。当词语树上挂满闪闪发光的好词时,洛克向好朋友们宣布:“我要开始写故事了!” 写一个好故事可不容易,温柔耐心的小黄鸟儿老师会给他怎样的引导,美丽清新的大自然会给他怎样的灵感?洛克写出的故事,猫头鹰喜欢,小黄鸟儿老师也喜欢,你喜欢吗?想不想也来写一个美妙的故事呢?