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Hello Math Reader 1 - 12 BLC168


Hello Math Reader is the most popular mathmatics books for 4-8 year old children. The series does not just teach and train children's arithmetic ability, but it also stimulates the child's potential thinking ability. The five books covers broad mathematical concepts, including numbers and quantities, geometry, statistical classification, and much more. With clean lines and clear colors, the illustrations add to the fun. Appended to the story is a section of activities and Marilyn Burns' advice to parents and teachers on using them with children. Suggestions include retelling the story and playing several games based on sorting and patterns. Ages 4-8. Please also get Hello Math Reader 13 - 25.

廣大父母、老師與孩子所渴求,兼具「創意」、「邏輯」與「實用」,又能讓孩子快樂閱讀的數學書來了!顛覆傳統、享譽國際的兒童數學教育專家瑪瑞琳.伯恩斯(Marilyn Burns),精心設計、撰寫的經典兒童數學繪本【魔數小子】──獻給所有想開心學數學的孩子。  【魔數小子】系列是伯恩斯一手打造,最經典的兒童數學繪本之一,以俏皮輕鬆的手法,帶領孩子進入繽紛的數學世界。本系列網羅了一流的作者與繪者,每一本都加上伯恩斯親自設計的活動教案,使本系列一推出即掀起熱烈迴響,幾乎每一本都得到讀者的最高評價。

Book Titles:
1.Spaghetti and Meatballs for All 《義大利麵與肉丸子》 
2.Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream 《阿曼達的瘋狂大夢》 
3.The Greedy Triangle 《貪心的三角形》
4.A Cloak For The Dreamer 《夢想家的披風》 
5.The King's Commissioners 《國王的超級特派員》 
6.More or Less a Mess 《啊!別進我房間》
7.Pizza Pizzazz 《噢!披薩》 
8.Even Steven and Odd Todd 《噹!奇數撞偶數》 
9.The Incredibly Awesome Box 《咦,箱子裡是啥?》
10.How Much Is That Guinea Pig in the Window 《嗨!可愛的天竺鼠》 
11.Too Many Cooks 《哈,宇宙無敵湯》 
12.One Hungry Cat 《喵,別再叫我吃了》

Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters with Zhuyin, 32-36 pages, 9.3"x10.25" or 10.75"x8.75" or 10.5"x7"

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Item: Hello Math Reader 1 - 12
Our Price:US$ 14.95

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