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I Am Mathmania Book Series BLC408


A series of 22 books through fun and imaginative fairy tale story telling about their love for mathematics, each story tells of how mathematics is important. For example, in Jack and the Magic Bean, they carefully calculate the proportions and measurements to get to the top of the Beanstalk.


Book Titles:
第一辑 (全16册)
Level 1 第一级让孩子爱上数学!
Alice’s Adventure in Italy《爱丽丝梦游意面国》 (知识点:计算)
Rescue King Leo 《拯救里欧国王》(知识点:角度)
King’s Birthday 《国王的生日》(知识点:数位)
Animal’s tug-of-war 《动物拔河赛》(知识点:对等)
Zero’s Trouble《0的苦恼》(知识点:0与十进制)
Magic Paper《魔术纸条》(知识点:莫比乌斯环)
The Cat On the Head《头顶上的猫》(知识点:概率)
Seeking for The Sword《寻找石中剑》(知识点:欧拉公式)

Level 2 第二级让孩子成为超级数学粉丝!
Jack and The Magic Bean《杰克与新魔豆》(知识点:比例和测量)
Peter and Dwarf 《彼得智斗侏儒怪》(知识点:乘法和分数)
The Crystal Ball and Wand《水晶球与除法魔杖》(知识点:除法)
Adventure on Elmert Island《艾默特岛探险》(知识点:圆的面积与周长)
Urgent Roundtable Meeting《紧急圆桌会议》(知识点:圆周)
Fighting Against Circular Dragon《围剿圆周龙》(知识点:圆周率)
Mystery Lighthouse《破解灯塔之谜》(知识点:勾股定理)
Crazy Bunny《疯狂的兔子》(知识点:斐波那契数列)

Pirates' Treasure Map《海盗的藏宝图》 知识点:平面直角坐标系
Shoemaker and Magician《鞋匠和魔法师》 知识点:棋盘型矩阵
Band Savers《乐队拯救者》 知识点:比例的运用
Barbers' Duel《理发师的决斗》 知识点:比例尺和分数
Wonderful Auction《奇妙拍卖会》 知识点:货币和计算
Moneymaker's Secret《摇钱树的秘密》 知识点:比较和运算

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 32 pages/book, 9.5"x6.75"

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