This series of picture books introduces Chinese characters with beautiful illustrations and fascinating stories. Pictograph, associative and radical sound words are presented to help readers understand the evolutions and structures of Chinese...
OUR PRICE: 11.95
Inspired by the Scripps National Spelling Bee in the U.S., Chinese Characters Dictation Competition is a hit weekly Chinese television show where Chinese student contestants write Chinese characters after hearing the words. This book series, an officially authorized...
OUR PRICE: 10.95
The Art of Chinese Characters, An exciting new series using original paintings to illustrate the structure, origins, and cultural background of the Chinese character writing system. The perfect companion for any student of Chinese or anyone with an interest in...
OUR PRICE: 14.95
Basic Strokes of Chinese Characters (Writing Mat) (Simplified Character)Introduces basic strokes of Chinese Characters Provides “Mi Zi Ge” for Chinese character writing Dry-erase markers can be used to write on this mat Introduces the components of...
Introduces useful Chinese vocabulary Suitable for beginners to learn Chinese time terms Introduces the components of Chinese syllable, the initial, final, and tone, as well as phonetic spelling
Many Chinese characters are pictographic and therefore look like the objects they represent. These characters are among some of the oldest and most common characters in Chinese and can often be used together with other characters to form new characters. Whether you...
These exercise books that are sized appropriately for fine motor skills for young children. The gradual move from XL sized boxes to Big is a better way of improving children's writing in Chinese slowly as we do with English writing.
Children can easily learn Chinese characters by reading these gorgeous picture books, which match 48 watercolor paintings with fun stories. The graphical representations of the Chinese characters make it easy for children to visual the characters and learn...
OUR PRICE: 69.95
The Men go out hunting. In the red sky. he built a boat. When fishing drastic changes. storm overturned boat ...... experienced many twists and turns. industrious brave hero finally landed. but on the question of how to transport sheep. tigers and big-brainer .........
OUR PRICE: 12.95
For those who are interested in Chinese calligraphy, seeing how one stroke can be simple and complex, creating magnificent and picturesque characters. For those who have an interest in the history behind a hieroglyphic language, thousands of years old. And for...
OUR PRICE: 13.95
OUR PRICE: 18.95