In this poignant and funny story, illustrated with strikingly designed collages, Eric Carle takes readers on an exciting voyage of discovery. Following the little ducks as they float to all parts of the globe, young explorers can see for themselves the meanings of...
OUR PRICE: 17.95
I'm Bored There is NOTHING boring about being a kid, but one little girl is going to have to prove it in this anything-but-boring picture book from comedian Michael Ian Black. I'm Sad When Flamingo announces he’s feeling down, the little girl...
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Why Do We Need Bees?How do they make honey? And who's who in a beehive? Children can find the answers to these questions and many more in this informative lift-the-flap book. With colourful illustrations, simple text and chunky flaps to lift, young...
OUR PRICE: 22.95
Find out what children eat all around the world in this beautifully illustrated book, written by bestselling poet and author Laura Mucha, alongside trained chef and food writer Ed Smith. From biltong to biryani, papaya to passionfruit, and ramen to roti, there...
OUR PRICE: 25.95
飛行員和地球的日夜 小王子最喜歡看日落了,他住的B612...
OUR PRICE: 19.95
How Kids Live Around the World Have you ever wondered how kids live in other countries? This book gives you a great opportunity to look inside homes on all continents and discover how different kids’ lives can be. People build their homes for comfort and...
OUR PRICE: 13.95
Help your child become a global citizen with this accessible introduction to the people who live on our planet, with big ideas broken into bite-size chunks through clever graphic design. Perfect for home and classroom settings! With almost 7.8 billion people...
OUR PRICE: 16.95
Help your child understand the creatures that share our world and how we can protect them with these big ideas expressed through bite-size chunks of information and eye-opening graphics. This fascinating companion to If the World Were 100 People is perfect...
Join Baby and his doting mama at a bustling southwest Nigerian marketplace for a bright, bouncy read-aloud offering a gentle introduction to numbers. Market is very crowded. Mama is very busy. Baby is very curious. When Baby and Mama go to the market, Baby is so...