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Chinese Grammar Step by Step BLL174


Chinese Grammar Step by Step is the first graded Chinese grammar book written based on the International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education published by The Office of Chinese Language Council International, China (HANBAN). This book systematically presents over 150 main features of modern Chinese grammar in five progressive stages. Designed with the non-native learners of Chinese in mind, the explanation of grammatical structures and examples is kept simple, clear and concise.  The authors also make a deliberate effort to use a fairly controlled vocabulary in the usage examples and exercises. The grammatical structures are explained in English.  Chinese texts are fully annotated with Pinyin alongside English translations. This book is ideal for both formal instruction and self-study.  Its rich appendices made it very convenient for all types of users.
"This book does not intend to provide exhaustive descriptions of the Chinese language, but rather leads users, students or instructors, step by step through the major grammatical structures of the language and presents them in stages…. The explanations are clear and accurate.  The authors also provide further explanations for structures that look similar but are actually different…..This book offers pinpointing and diverse exercises.  They effectively help users develop both perceptive and productive abilities in the language. Please review the sample pages.

《汉语语法步步高》是作者依据中国国家汉办(Hanban)颁布的《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》中"常用汉语语法项目分级表"所研制的最新语法学习教材。 本书以英语解释汉语语法、语言简明精要、练习完备翔实、印刷装帧精美、主要例句以颜色标出语法特点,并附加拼音与英文翻译,适用于以英文为母语的各级学习者。全书共分五级,循序渐进讨论了汉语学习中最重要的150多个语法点。 每章先说明语法点的基本句型并附例句,其次讨论该语法点的派生句型,最后提供相关练习,书后附上参考答案,帮助学习者巩固学习。本书也在适当处解释汉语语法与英语的不同。在正文之外,我们用"小贴士"阐解学习汉语的误区。此外,为促进学习,本书还附有语法术语表,简明扼要地解释书中所用到的语法术语,帮助学生更好地掌握语法点

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, Pinyin and English, 240 Pages,
Item: Chinese Grammar Step by Step
Our Price:US$ 24.95
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