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Stories of the Chinese: Intensive Audiovisual and Reading Course of Intermediate Chinese - Textbook BLO166


This material is adapted according to a popular documentary "Stories of the Chinese" produced by China Central Television (CCTV). It consists of two volumes, with a total of 16 lessons. Each volume of textbook is accompanied with one DVD, one CD, and one exercise book as a set. These textbooks bring to life 20 different contemporary Chinese people's real life stories, ranging from taxi drivers, retired people, a fitness coach to fashion designers, collectors, archaeologists and other social strata. This innovative audio-visual learning format is a great way to improve teaching effectiveness and to deepen students' understanding of China in terms of China's national conditions and the Chinese culture.

本教材根据中央电视台同名纪录片改编,分上、下两册,共16课。每册课本附有1张DVD、1张CD,并配有1本练习册。课本(上)介绍了从出租车司机、退休老人、健身教练到服装设计师、收藏家、考古学家等不同社会阶层的20多个中国人的故事,配套DVD直观生动地展示了当代中国人真实的生活、工作状况和精神风貌。这种视听与精读结合的创新形式,把“读” 课文变成了“看”课文,把学习汉语与了解中国国情和文化结合在一起,可以大大提高教学效果,深化学生对中国的了解。 课本(下)纸质教材每课的组成部分主要是:导读、课文、生词、语言注释、文化介绍、语言练习、文化阅读;DVD每课组成部分是生词朗读和课文纪实录像。视频以写实纪录片的形式,展现当代普通中国人的真实生活和精神风貌,帮助外国人了解中国。

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, 164-172 pages, 11.25"x8.25", 1 DVD, 1 MP3 CD
Item: Stories of the Chinese: Intensive Audiovisual and Reading Course of Intermediate Chinese - Textbook
Our Price:US$ 49.95
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