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Learning Chinese Language and Culture - Intermediate Chinese Textbook BLO259


Learning Chinese Language and Culture Intermediate Chinese Textbook is the new edition of Chinese Language and Culture. This new edition has the following changes: 1. Lessons which contained relatively few or incongruent cultural content were replaced. This new edition aims to fully utilize cultural context to facilitate teaching Chinese; 2. Lessons that were not replaced were completely rewritten and revised to improve their suitability and clarity. More importantly, the revisions aimed to tightly control each lesson’s length and amount of vocabulary words in order to maintain a gradual increase in lesson difficulty throughout the book; 3. Each lesson’s homework section has also been revised to allow for gradual and progressive increase in difficulty and length; 4. Relevant images, graphics, and appendices have also been increased for each lesson; 5. 22 lessons have been divided into two volumes to allow for more convenient use by the students and teachers. 
This revised edition continues to include both Traditional and Simplified Chinese in the relevant educational text. However non-educational materials are in both Simplified Chinese and English.

《學習漢語與文化:中級漢語課本》是《漢語與文化讀本》的全新修訂插圖版。這次修訂主要有五個方面:1. 替換了原書文化要素較少以及內容不十分合適的課文,修 訂後的課本是一個完全在文化層面上進行漢語教學的課本;2. 對沒有替換的課文全部做了改 寫,改寫除了令內容更加合適、表述更為準確外,更主要的是嚴格控制了課文的篇幅和生詞 的數量,保證了全書的長度和難度循序漸進;3. 作業練習相應地做了改寫和調整,保證其數 量和難度逐漸增加;4. 增加了與課文內容相關的附錄和圖片;5. 把22課分為上下兩冊,便於 學生靈活使用。


Paperback, Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters and English, 314-350 pages/book, 11.25''x8.25''
Item: Learning Chinese Language and Culture - Intermediate Chinese Textbook
Starts At:US$ 39.00
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