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Four Seasons Through Chinese Calligraphy: Seasons with Timely Breeze and Rain for Crop Raising BLP353


The reader learns new Chinese calligraphy in each season in this four-part series. From the Spring to the Winter, each book has its own set of Chinese calligraphy characters which it coaches you through. 
This series of book introduces Chinese people's understanding of the climate in ancient time through stories told by a Chinese character named Nini to an American character named Jerry. The traditional term of climate is introduced in Chinese and English, then its characters are presented with calligraphy, along with origins of the characters in Chinese and English, stroke of calligraphy, paper cutting and a guess game. Each book comes with a calligraphy practice book.

《风调雨顺》这套丛书融合中华传统文化和书法教学,多样化地呈现了中国传统二十四节气的有关知识,是传播中华优秀文化的丰富载体。《风调雨顺》这套读本为中英文双语,读本中所有的汉字,都由书法老师手写完成;所有的中文,都会有对应的英文阐述。同时扫一扫书中的二维码,还可以跟着联合国前秘书长潘基文的书法老师——周斌先生一起学写毛笔字,掌握毛笔字中基本笔画和二十四节气相关汉字的写法。《风调雨顺 》通过介绍“二十四节气”中春季六个节气的气象文化、农事特点、民俗习惯,以及相关汉字的构字起源、书写方法、剪纸艺术等,向中外读者充分展示和推广中华文化。在兼顾知识学习、文化传承、审美提升的同时,读本还强调实践与运用,通过提供书法教学视频、汉字笔顺展示,及配套的描红练习本等材料,切实提高读者的书写能力,帮助读者掌握书法学习的要领,深化对书法文化的理解。

Book Titles:
Spring 春
Summer 夏
Fall 秋
Winter 冬

By Zhou Bin, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 55 pages, 9"x9".
Item: Four Seasons Through Chinese Calligraphy: Seasons with Timely Breeze and Rain for Crop Raising
Our Price:US$ 23.95
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