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Happiness and Sadness BSW1343


Where Happiness Begins is a great introduction to mindfulness and emotional literacy. A spare text and simple illustrations encourage readers to find happiness even if it feels far away. The book gives it a shape, turning this elusive emotion into something real while acknowledging that you can't be happy all the time. The thoughtful text reassures readers that when happiness is hard to find, they can look for it in many places. Sharing something with a friend or reaching out to someone who needs it can lead to happiness. Recognize and treasure it when you experience it, knowing that happiness begins with you. Perfect for kids and for adult readers tackling these feelings themselves!

In When Sadness Is at Your Door, Eva Eland brilliantly approaches this feeling as if it is a visitor. She gives it a shape and a face, and encourages the reader to give it a name, all of which helps to demystify it and distinguish it from ourselves. She suggests activities to do with it, like sitting quietly, drawing, and going outside for a walk. The beauty of this approach is in the respect the book has for the feeling, and the absence of a narrative that encourages the reader to "get over" it or indicates that it's "bad," both of which are anxiety-producing notions. Simple illustrations that recall the classic style of Crockett Johnson (Harold and the Purple Crayon) invite readers to add their own impressions.


《悲傷,讓我抱抱你》 有時候,悲傷無預警來敲門……你試著把它藏起來,卻只覺得它靠著你好近好近,讓你難以呼吸。那麼,就試著別害怕悲傷吧 !幫它取個名字、聽悲傷說說話,找些你們都喜歡做的事。也許,悲傷只想知道,自己並不孤單,有人陪伴……

Book Titles:
Where Happiness Begins 快樂,你在哪裡?
When Sadness Comes to Call 悲傷,讓我抱抱你

By Eva Eland, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese Characters and Zhuyin, 32 Pages/book, 9.81"x0.88"
Item: Happiness and Sadness
Our Price:US$ 16.95
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