A rumination on our ability to recognize our interconnectedness with all people, that in order to eat a single meal, it takes the whole world to make it. There's something special bubbling in Nanni's big metal pot. And it smells delicious! What ingredients might be inside? When Nanni lifts the lid on her soup, she reveals the whole world inside: from the seeds that grew into vegetables, to the gardeners who lovingly tended to the plants, to the sun, moon, and stars that shone its light above them. And, of course, no meal is complete without a recipe passed down generations of family, topped and finished with Nanni's love.
In this tender tale by award-winning author Hunter Liguore and artist Vikki Zhang (Zhang Wenqi), readers will marvel at how a community and world can come together to put on an unforgettable meal between a granddaughter and her Nanni.
★ 中外合作 巧妙融合东方与西方、传统与现代的代表元素,画风惊艳,细节丰富。
★ 饮食文化 一锅香气扑鼻的汤,背后竟然大有文章!激发小朋友对人、自然、科技、全球化等主题的兴趣。
★ 科普后记 读完故事,意犹未尽?小竹马拓展阅读,帮你进一步了解汤里的秘密。
★ 广受好评 英文版畅销海外,国际媒体《出版人周刊》《科克斯书评》权威推荐!
By Hunter Liguore, Illustrated by Zhang Wenqi, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 30 pages/book, 11"x11"