One of the best Chinese language textbooks for young students, Chinese Made Easy adopts a new approach to teaching Chinese as a second language. It is designed for young students taking SAT II Chinese Test (US), GCSE/IGSE Mandarin Chinese Exams (UK), and Australian...
OUR PRICE: 31.95
This collection of books covers four of the greatest masterpieces of Chinese philosophy: The Great Learning, Mencius, The Doctrine of the Mean, and the Analects. These books form the cornerstone of Chinese philosophy and thought, and reading them will help one to...
Basic Chinese characters are the characters that can be combined to form a compound character. Most of basic characters are pictograph and can be used as radicals. They are not necessarily commonly used characters. Knowing basic characters will help students...
OUR PRICE: 16.99
A Caldecott Honor book, now you can enjoy this popular book in Chinese. In this boisterous exploration of naughtiness, unruly David bounces around his home to the vain pleas of his mother to stop. Readers will be amused to know that the protagonist's name is...
OUR PRICE: 17.95
This series of textbooks are specially designed for Chinese language classes where the Total Physical Response Storytelling method is used. The four language skills are all reinforced through the story telling activities. The written form of the Chinese language is...
OUR PRICE: 26.95
Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency that evaluates the ability of non-native Chinese-speaking students to use the language academically and in their daily lives. Each lesson includes vocabulary, lessons, activities,...
OUR PRICE: 29.95
Designed for the youngest students of Mandarin or Cantonese, the I Can Read MySelf series is eye-catching and fun. Children learn Chinese characters as they follow along with brightly-colored and whimsical story books. The series emphasizes character recognition...
OUR PRICE: 49.95
Elizabeth, a beautiful princess, lives in a castle and wears fancy clothes. Just when she is about to marry Prince Ronald, a dragon smashes her castle, burns her clothes with his fiery breath, and prince-naps her dear Ronald. Undaunted and presumably unclad,...
OUR PRICE: 15.95
Traditionally, Chinese tends to be expressive and concise at the same time. Taking advantage of the rich meaning of Chinese characters and phrases, Chinese people have accumulated a large reservoir of idioms that are made up of just four characters. This particular...
OUR PRICE: 11.95
Read Chinese Everyday is a series of textbooks with an emphasis on improving students' reading skill. This set of books is topic-based, one unit per week. From Monday to Friday, we select five articles for a week with increasing difficulty, including the texts,...
OUR PRICE: 25.95