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The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution BLC1001


When Arnold wishes he had more information for his family tree, Ms. Frizzle revs up the Magic School Bus and the class zooms back to prehistoric times. First stop: 3.5 billion years ago!

There aren't any people around to ask for directions. Luckily Ms. Frizzle has a plan, and the class is right there to watch simple cells become sponges and then fish and dinosaurs, then mammals and early primates and, eventually, modern humans. It's the longest class trip ever!

This is the story of a species, of our species, as only Ms. Frizzle can tell it. Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen tackle this essential topic with the insight and humor that have made the Magic School Bus the bestselling science series of all time.

Hop on board for a class trip that spans billions of lifetimes!

卷毛老师正带领同学们制作家族树,也就是家谱。阿诺的家族树太小了,他想找到更多的祖先,于是卷毛老师再次发动神奇校车,带领同学们穿越时空,回到过去。他们的首站,是35亿年前——生命刚刚诞生的时候……这是有史以来漫长的班级旅行。在无所不能的神奇校车上,你将跟随卷毛老师和她的同学们一起,目睹生命的进化之旅:从原始单细胞到多细胞生物,从水生到陆生,从恐龙的兴衰到哺乳动物的崛起……跨越时间长河,你将见证人类一步步告别兽性,创造历史和文明;见证生命历经重重磨难后,成功幸存的强大和灿烂。神奇校车的一段段旅程都如此妙不可言、永不停歇,但“神奇校车”的之一乔安娜·柯尔却地离开了我们。这本《神奇校车 探索人类进化》成为乔安娜的谢幕之作,但就像本书的主题一样,生命的意义在于不断地传承,人类文明的火种因为每一代人的努力才更加炽热光亮。神奇校车和乔安娜所传达的精神永不谢幕。嘀嘀嘀——神奇校车马上就要出发,你,准备好了吗?

By Joanna Cole, Illustrated by Bruce Degen, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 54 pages, 8.5"x10.2"
Item: The Magic School Bus Explores Human Evolution
Our Price:US$ 22.95
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