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Discovery Channel Children's Encyclopedia BLC240


The Discovery Channel Children's Encyclopedia series allows students to explore the factual aspects in regards to the history of life. The photography illustrated within these books are breathtaking as well as informative. The content is educational, can be used as a source of reference, and allows the reader to broaden their Chinese vocabulary. Students can learn about the existence of dinosaurs, the quest for knowledge, the fast growing world of technology, and more. This series includes ten books, all pertaining to different subject matters.

探索频道•少儿大百科全书系列是由Discovery Channel探索频道倾力奉献的一套百科知识全书,涉及十大领域,知识点权威,高清晰图片让孩子仿若身临其境一般置身完全真实、妙趣横生的精彩世界,浑然忘我地汲取科普世界的丰富营养,感受非同一般的探索历程。每本书均分为八个易于查找的章节。不仅运用大量高清晰照片、科学的图表、剖面透视图等帮助孩子理解,深入记忆,而且脉络分明、条理清晰,其间穿插许多精彩有趣的事实和引人入胜的知识点,增加孩子的阅读兴趣。请参阅每本书的中文简介

Book Titles:
The Earth 地球
Dinosaur 恐龙
Animals 动物
Marine life 海洋生物
Weather 气象
Human body人体
Knowledge 知识
Technology 科技
Inventions 发明
Explorer 探险家

Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 224 pages/book, 11"x8.75"
Item: Discovery Channel Children's Encyclopedia
Our Price:US$ 49.95
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