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Magic Train Series BLC355


Each book in the Magic Train Series leads children through time and space to explore the adventures of the mysterious and unknown world. The content of each book is exciting, interesting and filled with scientific and technological knowledge. Topics in this series include Knights, Dinosaurs, Dolphins and more. Each book will also study the living habits with detailed descriptions and images. Please view more details on each title in Simplified Chinese characters.

这套书里有一位无所不知的茨威斯坦教授,他有一辆神奇的小火车,可以带领孩子们穿越时空,去一个个神秘未知的世界里探索冒险。故事的内容都十分精彩有趣,中间还穿插了许多科普知识,例如对各种原始恐龙长相特点、生活习性的简介,对各种冷兵器时代骑士精神的介绍等,增加孩子们的知识量,开阔他们的视野,每本书的后面都有一个知识拉页,是对文中一些知识点的详细说明。 请参阅每本书的中文简介

Book Titles:
Knights Tournaments 骑士比武大会
Explore the Forest 森林发现之旅
The Dinosaur's Kingdom 恐龙世界之旅
The Dolphin's Kingdom 海豚王国之旅
The War of Pirate Ship 海盗船之战

By Sandra Grimm, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 45 Pages/book, 14.17"x10.87"
Item: Magic Train Series
Our Price:US$ 12.95
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