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Dear Nature (40 Books) BLC628


Dear Nature is a series of 40 books with five themes along. Each book contains a focus of a particular topic such as animals, plants, geography, science, astronomy etc.


Book Titles 
Set 1 第一辑

1. Dandelion蒲公英
2. Flying Seed会飞的种子
3. The Plants that eat bugs吃虫的植物
4. The Anteater Likes eating bugs爱吃虫的食蚁兽
5. Interesting Leaves有趣的叶子
6. Nature is Like a Poem大自然像一首诗
7. Grapes 葡萄
8. Qianqian Wants Grapes 千千想要吃葡萄
9. Where is Rice From 米从哪里来
10. I Can Cook 我会煮饭
Set 2 第二辑
11. Butterfly Flies 蝴蝶飞呀飞
12. Butterfly in the Spring 蝴蝶写春天
13. Firefly 萤火虫
14. Light Fairy亮光仙子
15. Snail 蜗牛
16. The Raindrop’s trip 小雨滴的旅行
17. Crab 螃蟹
18. The Passionate Crab 热情的螃蟹
19. The Fairy at the Shore 海岸的小精灵
20. Go To the Beach 到海边走走
Set 3 第三辑
21. The Kite 风筝飞呀飞
22. Kite Flying放风筝
23. Shape 形状躲躲藏
24. Tangram 七巧板
25. Balloon 好玩的气球
26. Play with Air 和空气玩游戏
27. Fruit 果实大集合
28. The Secret of Fruit 果实的秘密
29. Melon 瓜瓜乐
30. What Melon is it 猜猜这是什么瓜
Set 4 第四辑
31. The Concert of the Nature 大自然音乐会
32. Listen 小耳朵听一听
33. Cold and Hot 好冷好冷 好热好热
34. Equatorial and the Arctic 赤道和北极
35. Water 水真好玩
36. Be Friend with Water 和水做好朋友
37. Sun and Moon 太阳和月亮
38. The Dog Bites the Moon 大白狗咬月亮
39. Invisible Electricity 看不见的电
40. Electricity谁发现了电

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 25-31 pages/book, 10.1"x8.3"
Item: Dear Nature (40 Books)
Our Price:US$ 199.95
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