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The Child's First Scientific Encyclopedia BLC802


One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, a our body, are there actually 50 trillion cells? Why are the tricep and the bicep like a pair of quarrelsome brothers? From cells to organs, from skin to bones, from breathing to dreaming, this series explores many different topics, including the wonderful human body! For example, did you know that every day, there are 8000 liters of blood that go through your heart and is circulating in our bodies? Did you know that the human small intestine is up to 6-7 meters, while the large intestine is 1 meter long? This series includes many facts just like these, as well as other activities and resources for young readers interested in many different aspects of science.


Book Titles:
Human Body 人體
Solar System 太陽系
Dinosaurs 恐龍
Volcano 火山
Aircraft 飛機

Hardcover, Traditional Chinese Character, 32 pages/book, 5.9"x9"
Item: The Child's First Scientific Encyclopedia
Our Price:US$ 12.95
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