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Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book BLC888


Through a hole in the book’s cover, an owl invites you inside to meet a majestic tree and all its forest inhabitants during the changing seasons. With clever peekaboo holes throughout, each page reveals a new set of animals playing and living in the tree—baby bears frolicking in the spring, bees buzzing around apples in the summer, squirrels storing nuts in the fall, and finally the lone owl keeping warm during the winter chill—until another year begins. . . .
Children will love seeing a new set of animals appear and then disappear as each page is turned, and along the way they’ll learn about the seasons and how a forest and its inhabitants change throughout the year.

書中使用簡單的又符合孩子朗讀的語句,顯示出作者文筆功力!但你看看知道作者的出身就一點都不奇怪了,因為作者是大名鼎鼎的Patricia Hegarty!她在多年前就開始從事兒童圖書出版工作,現任毛毛蟲圖書公司的編輯總監,對兒童語言學習規律的掌握可以說是爐火純青!由蘋果樹(房東)的生長,和住在樹洞的貓頭鷹(房客),以順應自然的生活態度,靜觀四季流轉。

By Britta Teckentrup, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters and Zhuyin, 24 pages/book, 10.8"x8.85"
Item: Tree: A Peek-Through Picture Book
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