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Tippi: My Book of Africa BLC934


Tippi is no ordinary child. She believes that she has the gift of talking to animals and that they are like brothers to her. 'I speak to them with my mind, or through my eyes, my heart or my soul, and I see that they understand and answer me.'  Tippi is the daughter of French filmmakers and wildlife photographers, Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert, who have captured her on film with some of Africa's most beautiful and dangerous animals. Tippi shares her thoughts and wisdom on Africa, its people and the animals she has come to know and love. Often her wisdom is beyond her years, and her innocence and obvious rapport with the animals is both fascinating and charming.

10岁小女孩蒂皮,出生在非洲,从小跟随拍摄野生动物的父母在丛林中长大,她坐在鸵鸟背上玩耍,亲大象哥哥的鼻子,和猎豹一起散步,跟着狒狒爬树……在蒂皮父母拍摄的130多幅珍贵的原生态照片里,我们可以感受到蒂皮和每一个野生动物的真实友情,以及野生动物的温顺和灵性。蒂皮会用眼睛和动物交流,会和动物说话,和动物相亲相爱,人与动物水乳交融的情景让我们看到了人和动物的交流是生命的本能。  人和动物都是地球的孩子,地球是我们共同的家。当我们把动物当作家人、和动物和睦相处的时候,每颗心都会被善良和温情融化,大自然母亲会用生生不息的爱给人类*好的馈赠与回报,让所有的生命和谐地生活在同一片蓝天下。本书在法国出版后,被译成中、德、日、英等多种语言,在29个国家和地区发行,深受读者喜爱。简体中文版被列入教育系统推荐书目,成为生命教育的重要读本。

By Tippi Degree, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 143 pages, 7.4”x8.25”
Item: Tippi: My Book of Africa
Our Price:US$ 16.95
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