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My First Book of Science BLC998


My First Book Of Quantum Physics The world of quantum physics is an amazing place, where quantum particles can do weird and wonderful things, acting totally unlike the objects we experience in day-to-day life. How can atoms exist in two places at once? And just how can a cat be dead and alive at the same time? Find out more with this entertaining illustrated guide to the fascinating, mysterious world of quantum physics.

My First Book of Relativity  introduces complex science to children through bright illustrations and amusing text. Einstein’s theory of relativity is one of the cornerstones of modern physics but it requires a total rethink of our notions of time and space. Strange things happen in a relative universe: length and time are not fixed and depend upon your frame of reference. If you move at high speed, time slows down, space contracts and weight increases. So a period of time for someone on Earth that lasts for hundreds of years may only be a couple of hours for someone travelling in a rocket close to the speed of light. It’s mind-boggling stuff, but the theory of relativity has a real impact on our world today. A car’s GPS navigation system, for example, uses information received from orbiting satellites and is designed to account for the fact that time ticks at a different rate on these satellites than it does on the ground. Without allowing for relativity’s effects, after just a day, your whereabouts according to GPS could be up to 8km from your actual location. 
My First Book of the Cosmos Cosmology is closely related to astronomy and studies the origin and evolution of the universe. As with Eduard and Sheddad’s first book published by Button Books My First Book of Quantum Physics, My First Book of the Cosmos introduces children to what is an incredibly complex subject in a fun and entertaining way, using highly attractive and absorbing illustrations to explain the basic principals and concepts of this complex and fascinating subject.

My First Book of Electromagnetism tells the story of humankind’s growing understanding of the forces around us, from Thales of Miletus’s first experiments with magnetic attraction in 600 BCE to Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell unifying the fields of magnetism and electricity to develop the theory of electromagnetism. At various stages in this fascinating journey the reader can find out how to make their own experiments, including making their own electroscope to test for electric charge and how to construct a working motor from safety pins, wire, sticky tape, a magnet and a battery.  
My First Book of Microbes: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and More You’ll discover what they are, where they come from and what they do, as well as which ones are good and which can be harmful. Especially pertinent are the clear explanations about how viruses spread, the role of antibodies and the importance of vaccines – essential understanding for us all during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic; in fact, there’s a whole spread dedicated to COVID-19. Packed with clever analogies that make understanding a difficult topic easy, this STEM title is perfect for young budding scientists with an active and enquiring mind and for people of any age who are interested in learning about the natural world and the human body.

《我的第一本电磁学》当今世界,电力无处不在,我们几乎干什么事都得用上电。我们用电来照亮街道和房间、做饭、吹空调、看电视、打手机、浏览网页、发消息、听音乐……生活中几乎样样都离不开电。然而,到底什么是电?电和磁有什么关系?说来说去,电磁学又是什么?还有神秘的是,这一切又是怎么和光联系到一起的?来吧! 和爱因斯坦博士一起探索电磁学的神奇世界吧! 这是一本物理基础知识大书,语言生动,插图形象,结构清晰,思路严谨,小学生坐在家里自己就能看懂。
《我的第一本微生物学》 前沿新知、全面掌握  新冠肺炎病毒是怎么传播的?疫苗为什么能制止大流行?关于微生物的基础知识,这本书全部囊括。内容丰富、科学系统  微生物到底有多微?我们如何观察微生物?微生物有哪些种类?来吧,达尔文博士你可问不倒!插图经典、精细直观  屡获的插图大师,与科普高手再次合作,帮小读者看清微观世界,科学知识不再抽象!

Book Titles:
My First Book of Quantum Physics 量子物理学
My First Book of Relativity 相对论
My First Book of the Cosmos 宇宙学
My First Book of Electromagnetism 电磁学
My First Book of Microbes  微生物学

By Sheddad Kaid-Salah Ferron, Illustrated by Eduard Altarriba, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 46-56 pages/book, 11.5"x11.5"
Item: My First Book of Science
Our Price:US$ 39.95
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