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I Love Learning Chinese Juvenile Reading BLH098


This set of two story books is designed for upper grade elementary, middle school, and high school students who have taken approximately 100 hours of Chinese language instruction.  The story is based on a book written originally in Spanish by Mr. Blaine Ray, creator of the teaching method of TPRS - Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Story-telling used to teach any foreign language. The story has been modified to present to our readers a background that can be related to students who are learning Chinese as a foreign/second language. In addition, it depicts some significant similarities among the young people in the story in spite of their different cultural background and personal experiences. At the end of each chapter, there are some comprehension questions written in English. The intention is for the teacher or the reader to check their understanding of the story. They are written in English because the author purposely tries to avoid any language barrier in the questions that may inhibit any reader from revealing their comprehension of the story in their response to the questions. Price is for a set of two books.

本书适用于高中、初中、小学已经接受过约100小时的中文授课,并希望继续进修中文的学生。这套阅读材料是根据Blaine Ray先生用西班牙语编写的故事翻译、改写而成,为Blaine Ray所发明的运用于各种外语教学的“行为情培教学法”(TPRS)的配套教学材料。此外,改编后的故事对于把中文作为外语来学习的年轻读者业说,故事中背景不同而年龄相仿的各种人物将引起他们很大的兴趣。在每一章的最后,附有用检测读者对故事的理解或用以教师检测的一些问题。这些问题都用英文写就,目的是为了消除阅读问题时的语言障碍,以便读者能更好地通过回答问题来表达他们对故事的理解。

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin & English, 75 pages, 7.5"x6.75"
Item: I Love Learning Chinese Juvenile Reading
Our Price:US$ 14.95
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