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The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide: Basic Level BLL206


The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide collects and includes all basic grammar points in a systematic way of learning. The content is presented with illustrations and includes abundant drills and exercises, making it an excellent reference guide for entry and basic level students and their teachers! Grammar points are presented with fun illustrations and come with drills and exercises, so students can learn to use sentence patterns to express themselves with precision. The dynamic and engaging design makes studying Chinese more interesting and increases student motivation. Grammar points are integrated into topics that deal with daily life. Learners that practice the sentences patterns frequently will find it easy to apply them to their daily lives. Grammar points are arranged according to level and difficulty. Sentence patterns are introduced gradually, making learning more enjoyable and less stressful. Grammar points with the same structure but different functions and usages are listed, so learners can compare and contrast them. Please click here for table of content.

 本書匯集并整理基礎中文語法重點,為入門基礎級語法複習及教學輔助書。針對準備參加花語文能力考試(TOCFL) 入門基礎級(Band A) 以及想在課堂外複習基礎語法的學習者,提供有系統的練習重點與自我檢測方向。亦可用作教師在課堂教授語法時的參考輔助用書。

Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters and English, 207 pages, 10.26"x7.6"
Item: The Ultimate Illustrated Chinese Grammar Guide: Basic Level
Our Price:US$ 17.95
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