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The Great People of the World (As Kids!) BSA014


These inspirational biographies of successful historical figures will inspire children to achieve great things. Follow these notable people through their childhood to understand how they became so smart, famous, or powerful.


Book Titles:
Steve Jobs 没有什么不可能:乔布斯传
David Copperfield 魔幻人:大卫·科波菲尔传
Carnegie 怎样获得成功:卡耐基传
Napoleon Bonaparte 我要征服世界:拿破仑传
Isaac Newton 苹果树下的传奇:牛顿传
Ernesto Guevara 永恒的战士:切·格瓦拉传
Thomas Edison 光明世界的使者:爱迪生传
Michael Jackson 太空漫步:迈克尔?杰克逊传
Audrey Hepburn 会走路的梦:奥黛丽·赫本传
Ludwig van Beethoven 燃烧的音乐:贝多芬传
Stephen Hawking 离宇宙最近的人:霍金传
Charles Darwin 叩问生命之源:达尔文传
Alfred Nobel 爱问问的小男孩:诺贝尔传
Galileo Galilei 星月旅行:伽利略传
Van Gogh 大自然的孩子:梵高传
Pablo Picasso 听着鸽哨画世界:毕加索传
Julius Caesar 英雄如我:凯撒大帝传
Alexander the Great 寻找自己的王国:亚历山大大帝传

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 116-202 pages/book, 9"x6.5"
Item: The Great People of the World (As Kids!)
Our Price:US$ 10.95
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