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Economic Good Fun Kit (39 Books) BSA065


For young economists, this series is the right place to look. Not only do children gain a comprehensive understanding of economics, but they also learn about lifestyles and practices of an economist, so that they can be prepared to make their career choice. The series includes 39 books, all about economic life, identification of different kinds of currencies and their value systems, and sales and purchase transactions. Pretty much all of economic know-how is featured in this series, enough for any child to say that they know a lot about economics!

在世界各国培养出1000多名CEO的美国教育基金会会长夏保罗先生曾指出美国人成功的原因:“美国人有一个共识:在诸多成功中,赚钱*能培养人的成就感和自信心,所以必须从小教孩子理财,培养他们的财商。”在美、 英等发达国家,财商教育已经作为中小学的必修课。而在中国,年轻的父母们在他们年少时,学校或家庭不曾给予这方面的教育。似乎大家更关注智商,其次是情商,而财商却很少被提及到。
为了填补这一空白,东方出版社特意策划出版了“经济好好玩”系列,这套绘本是由韩国**的少儿图书出版社Hermann Hesse出版社组织儿童教育专家和经济学家,专为3-6儿童量身打造的财商教育启蒙读本,被认为是“就算在世界出版市场推出也属于绝不逊色的作品”,一经出版,就迅速占领韩国童书市场。

Book Titles:
Going to the Bank 去银行
Running Errands for Mom 帮妈妈跑腿儿
My Lucky Money 我的压岁钱
I Have Books Too 我也有存折啦
Kindergarten Chef 幼儿园的小厨师
Wish on a Paper 小小许愿纸
Playing the Kid Actor 爱耍脾气的小屁孩
I Love Drinking Milk 我爱喝牛奶
Mom, What is a Receipt? 妈妈,什么是购物小票?
Toddler Can Buy Stuff Online 宝贝也会网上购物啦
Baby Gifts 宝贝的礼物
Cash or Credit? 刷卡还是现金?
To Save or to Spend 是存起来,还是变更多?
Animal Meeting in the Forest 森林里的小动物公司
Mom Applied Insurance For Me 妈妈给我上保险
Where Did Money Come From? 钱是怎样产生的?
How To Manage Money 钱该怎样管理
The Flow of Money 流动的钱
Animals Doing Business 会做生意的小动物
Little Taxpayer 小小纳税人
Biscuits are Becoming Expensive 饼干涨价了
Different Countries, Different Money 不同的国家,货币也不同
This Bag is Really Pretty 这个包包真好看
The Shopaholic Woodpecker 乱买东西的啄木鸟
Great Commotion in the Rainbow Village 彩虹村的大骚动
Going Shopping With Mom 和妈妈去购物
Mom Tied a Bow 妈妈做的蝴蝶结
Three Squirrel Brothers Who Love Labor 爱劳动的松鼠三兄弟
Why Do You Want to Work? 干吗要工作啊?
What Do You Do When You Grow Up? 长大后要做什么呢?
Why Did Mom and Dad Go to the Park? 爸爸妈妈为什么去公司呢?
Wangwang's Umbrella Company 汪汪的雨伞公司
How are Buscuits Made? 饼干是怎么做成的?
Junjun's Gift 军军的礼物
Princess Jianjian 尖尖公主
Economic Game Book 经济游戏书
Economic Encyclopedia 经济小百科
Watering Flowers 给花浇水
Where is the Tofu in the Soup? 咦,汤里的豆腐呢?

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 29-49 pages/book, 7.5"x6.5"
Item: Economic Good Fun Kit (39 Books)
Our Price:US$ 249.95
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