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Treasures of Ancient Civilizations BSA087


This scientific comic book describes the hunt for treasure in ancient Mesopotamian civilization. It features rich and diverse cultural and historical knowledge, wonderful stories, a humorous plot to stimulate children's curiosity, and a strong visual impact from realistic images, designed to increase the child's knowledge about this subject from a more fun and entertaining way!

“我的*本科学漫画书•世界文明寻宝系列” 是我们所熟悉的“寻宝记系列”的前传,这套大型人文历史漫画书集聚了韩国一流知识漫画创作团队的心血与创意,也是经典之作的延续。其特色在于:

Book Titles:
Mesopotamia Treasures 美索不达米亚文明寻宝记
Egypt Treasures Vol. 1 古埃及文明寻宝记 Vol. 1
Egypt Treasures Vol. 2 古埃及文明寻宝记 Vol. 2

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 163 pages/book, 10"x7.5"
Item: Treasures of Ancient Civilizations
Our Price:US$ 13.95
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