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A Fly on the Wall History Series BSA144


The Wright Brothers' First Flight
Buzz alongside two cartoon flies as they follow Orville and Willbur Wright on their Quest for flight, providing hearty blend of facts and fun while telling the story of a true great moment in American and aviation history.
The Pilgrims' Voyage to America
Join two fact- and fun-loving cartoon flies aboard the Mayflower and feel the Pilgrim’s hardships first-hand as they make their long, historic journey across the Atlantic from England to America.
Harriet Tubman's Escape
Zip alongside two cartoon flies as they follow Harriet Tubman’s daring Escape from slavery and provide equal measure of facts and fun while telling the story of this heroic moment in American History.
Paul Revere's Ride
Paul Revere’s Historic midnight ride takes on a new level of excitement when seen first-hand through the eyes of two cartoon flies. Equal parts fact and fun whisk you through one of the key events of the American Revolution.
Apollo's First Moon Landing 
From a launchpad in Florida to the lunar surface ... Two cartoon flies join readers as they blast off into space and step foot on the moon with Neil Armstrong, providing a blend of facts and fun while telling the story of a great moment in space-exploration history.
Titanic’s Tragic Journey 
From first-class splendor to the stifling boiler room ... Experienced first-hand by two cartoon flies, the first and last voyage of Titanic becomes a fact-filled feast for readers' senses and a kid-friendly trip through maritime history that readers won't soon forget.

我們要找出讓人飛上天空的方法! 萊特兄弟從小就有一個飛行夢,他們藉由從經營腳踏車行與印刷行兩間店學來的技術,不斷研發、設計飛行器。經過一遍遍的嘗試,當飛行器進展到可以飛行兩百多公尺,眼看就要成功時,飛行器被狂風吹翻,撞裂成碎片!萊特兄弟的夢想卻沒有因此碎裂,他們的毅力就像永不止息的風,成功地將他們重新打造的飛行器送上了天空。

Book Titles:
Wright Brothers' First Flight 萊特兄弟飛行夢
The Pilgrims' Voyage to America 航向美國新天地
Harriet Tubman's Escape 逃向自由的黑奴
Paul Revere's Ride 邁向獨立的夜奔
Apollo's First Moon Landing 登陸月球大計劃
Titanic’s Tragic Journey 鐵達尼號大沈船

By Thomas Kingsley Troupe, Illustrated by Jomike Tejido, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese Characters, 32 pages, 10.5"x9.25"
Item: A Fly on the Wall History Series
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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