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Fun World Geography Picture Books BSA165


This eye-opening book series invites young readers to embark on a global adventure to visit famous sights, experience different cultures and traditions, and explore unique geographic landscapes and landforms in different continents. The delightfully illustrated books will spur children’s interest in exploring and learning about the world.


Book Titles:
North America 北美洲 (美国/墨西哥/加拿大/古巴)
South America 南美洲 (巴西/阿根廷/智利/秘鲁)
Asia 1: China 亚洲:(中国/马来西亚/新加坡/柬埔寨/越南/缅甸/菲律宾)
Asia 2: India 亚洲:(印度/泰国/土耳其/斯里兰卡/孟加拉国)
Asia 3: Japan 亚洲:(日本/韩国/尼泊尔/阿联酋/马尔代夫/印度尼西业)
Europe 1: Russia 欧洲: (俄罗斯/德国/芬兰/瑞士/波兰)
Europe 2: Italy 欧洲:(希腊/意大利/西班牙/奥地利/葡萄牙/匈牙利)
Europe 3: France 欧洲:(比利时/法国/英国/荷兰/冰岛/爱尔兰)
Africa 非洲 (埃及/南非/摩洛哥/埃塞俄比亚)
Oceania and Polar Regions (大洋洲与极地 澳大利亚/新西兰/斐济)
100 Places to Go for Children 影响孩子一生的环球100成长旅行地

Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 36-48 pages/book, 9"x7.5"
Item: Fun World Geography Picture Books
Our Price:US$ 9.95
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