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Where Are You Hiding, Copycub? BSB229


When Copycub and his mother wake up from their long winter nap, the little bear is eager to play again. He loves to play hide and seek, but wherever he hides — in bushes, in bear caves, even in a beaver dam — his mother can always find him. Then one day, deep in the forest, he finds the perfect hiding spot. "Can't find me here," he calls. His mother doesn't reply. Copycub soon feels lost, and the growing darkness and strange noises are frightening. Can mother bear find him this time, too? Lovely watercolor illustrations capture the rich details of nature and the bears' forest home. Ages 4-8.

跟屁熊藏在灌木丛中,他喊道:“你找不到我啦!”妈妈回答说:“哦,我能找到!”跟屁熊非常喜欢捉迷藏的游戏,无论他藏在哪儿,妈妈总能找到他。一天,跟屁熊想到一个超级棒的藏身处,在树林的深处,那儿真是太好了…… 一个让人心静的故事,充满温馨,非常适合在哄宝宝睡觉时读。

By Richard Edwards, Illustrated by Susan Winter, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 24 pages, 8.25"x10.3"
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