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Vegetable Garden BSB311


This magical garden does more than grow vegetables, the vegetables are magical creatures which help their environment and serve a better purpose. In the picture book, the vegetables can talk and walk and during recess, they help out the classroom by cleaning up and they actually make a difference.

《"宝贝计划"完美情商培养图画书(中英双语)(共6册)》作者将小读者们很熟悉的蔬菜变成了故事中的主角,作为他们的“情商楷模”,以童话故事的动人与有趣、主人公的可爱与可亲以及蔬菜本身的特性,结合一定的故事主题,对幼儿进行潜移默化的情商教育。 For more details on each title click here (in Simplified Chinese)

Book Titles:
Tomato: Little Lantern of Golden Seeds 金种子小灯笼:西红柿宝宝的故事
Cucumber: Only a Bit Prickly 为什么带刺刺:黄瓜宝宝的故事
Carrot: The Dream of Being a Policeman 长大要当小警察:胡萝卜宝宝的故事
Mushroom: Little Mushroom, Big Hero 小蘑菇,大英雄:蘑菇宝宝的故事
Sweet Potato: Feeling Sweet From the Heart 心里甜甜的:红薯宝宝的故事
Chili: Where There is Passion, There is Victory 有激情,才会赢:红辣椒宝宝的故事

By Eve, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters and English, 36 Pages/Book, 8.25'' x 9.75''
Item: Vegetable Garden
Our Price:US$ 8.95
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