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The Smurfs Series BSE144


Enjoy this popular comic series in Chinese. The Smurfs deal with life in their own unique way, while exploring and developing their own sense of harmony and perfect personality. Their understanding of the process of things can be a valuable experience for young children, and stimulate children's creativity. The Smurfs convey love and friendship and live in a near-perfect society. Each Smurf has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they love and enjoy life. This series is full of truth and humor mixed in with great wisdom and timeless charm of the art. Ages 4-12.

本套书是“全球孩子都爱玩的经典游戏书”丛书中的“蓝精灵创意游戏”主题系列,共计8 册。以风靡世界的蓝精灵经典形象为主角,汇聚连线、迷宫、推理、找不同、视觉发现等200 多个综合益智游戏。本套书从儿童视角出发,将游戏融于孩子们熟悉的蓝精灵故事场景,每册游戏书均包含各种游戏形式。这些趣味浓郁、难易有别的游戏,可提升孩子的专注力,增强孩子的想象力,训练孩子的逻辑推理能力、创意思维能力,帮助孩子在挑战中强化思考力,在认知机能、空间感知、逻辑分析等方面得到全面提升。

Book Titles:
King Smurf 精灵王
Smurfette 蓝妹妹
Fight With Ga Gu Ga 大战嘎咕嘎
Dreamy Smurf 宇航员梦梦
Clumsy Smurf 笨学徒
Magic Egg 魔蛋
The Story of The Smurfs 蓝精灵的故事
The Smurfs Olympics 蓝精灵奥运会

By Peyo, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 54-62 pages, 11.25"x8.25

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