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Guji Guji BSE457


Another picture book created by Chih-Yuan Chen, this story tells a tale about an ordinary duck. One day, an extra-large egg rolls right into Mother Duck's nest. She is busy reading and doesn't notice the new addition but this lucky event will change her life. Her hatchlings include a yellow duckling; one with blue spots; another with brown stripes; and a rather unusual, crocodile-shaped youngster, named after his first words. Guji Guji grows bigger and stronger than his siblings (and more crocodile like), but Mother loves all her offspring the same. When three duck-hungry crocodiles make fun of Guji Guji's ways and try to tempt him into betraying his family, he is put to the test. This beautifully written story has much to say about appreciating families and differences and it will resonate with children long after the final page is turned. Chen's unique illustrations are compelling, down to the beautiful silhouette endpapers. The rich blues and earth tones and dramatic page layouts create moving scenes but the quirky details and characters' expressions are hilarious. This charming spin on the ugly duckling theme is a must-have for any collection. Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters with Zhuyin and English (4 pages English translation is included at the end of book and an accompanying CD narrating the story in Mandarin Chinese).

轟動全美的英文版,創下全美國上市3個月售出55,000本佳績!中、英雙語,再次體現包容與愛的幽默故事! 《Guji Guji》是由台灣圖畫書創作者陳致元創作的圖畫書,榮登韓國、美國童書暢銷排行TOP10,在亞馬遜網路書店可看見許多令人動容的好評。作者陳致元更接受天下雜誌、聯合報、民生報、自由時報等多家重量級媒體的專訪。為慶祝全球暢銷,特別回饋國內讀者,將《Guji Guji》製做中英雙語版本(英文附在中文書後,佔4頁),並搭配由TVBS主播岑永康朗讀(中文部分)的故事CD,加值不加價! 「Guji Guji」是一隻鱷魚的名字,牠陰錯陽差生長在鴨子家庭裡,鴨媽媽對牠和小鴨子一視同仁,都一樣的疼愛和照顧。有一天,來了三隻不懷好意的鱷魚,先是把Guji Guji嘲弄了一翻,然後又慫恿牠誘捕那些鴨子,想吃一頓美味的鴨子大餐。Guji Guji該怎麼辦?牠終於想通了:自己既不是鱷魚也不是鴨子,而是獨一無二的「鱷魚鴨」,然後用計讓鱷魚落荒而逃,保護親愛的鴨子手足及鴨媽媽。從此,大家視 GujiGuji為英雄,他也決定快樂的做自己!從小到大,我們其實不斷面臨著「你站在誰那一邊?」的問題,這個生動的故事帶領我們學習尊重與包容。


By Chih-Yuan Chen, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters, 34-44 pages, English, 32 Pages, 11.1"x8"
Item: Guji Guji
Our Price:US$ 22.95
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