This new translation of Daodejing (Tao Te Ching ) is for all readers in English who wish to take a fresh look at what the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi (Lao Tzu ) has to say and how he says it." . . . the infinite profundity and consequently the infinite translatability of Laozi's immortal work always make it possible to bring the reader yet another step closer to what Laozi actually says . . . [Daodejing] is not only a book of ideas but a book of poetry, a work of literary art. My strategy is to retain as much as possible the original literariness so that the reader can hear, as it were, through my translation, what Laozi sounds like as if they were reading him in Chinese."
By Charles Q. Wu, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and English, 189 pages, 9"x 6.75"