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12 Zodiac Animals - Who's First? BST179


12 Zodiac Animals - Who's First? is book about the story behind the alignment of animals on the Zodiac calendar. One day, the Jade Emperor announced the launch of a competition to see which animal could cross the river first. As a prize, the Jade Emperor will use them to calculate the age of the Lunar New Year. The Cat, Dog, Snake, Horse, Pig, Cow, Chicken, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Monkey, Sheep, Rat, and other animals all practice and get ready to showcase their talents. The illustrations have a lot of detail and fine strokes, making this book into a piece of art as well as an engaging storybook.


By Jialu Liu, Paperback (Simplified Chinese Characters), Hardcover (Traditional Chinese Characters and Zhuyin), 29 pages, 11.5"x8.3"
Item: 12 Zodiac Animals - Who's First?
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