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Illustrated Famous Chinese Myths BST225


Niulang is an industrious and kind-hearted man. An old ox became his only friend. With the help of the ox, Niulang find a fairy maiden called Zhinü. They fell in love with each other and got married, and then lived a happy life. All of this made the Lady Queen Mother furious. She took Zhinü back to the heaven, and drew a heavenly river to separate them. From then on, they can only meet each other once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the bridge of magpies. This series is four color printing. The beautiful pictures and simple words make this series prefect for Chinese and overseas children's reading.


Book Titles:
The Cowherd and the Weaver Maid 牛郎织女
Pangu Separating Heaven and Earth 盘古开天
Yu Leading the People in Curbing Floods 大禹治水
Jingwen Trying to Fill Up the Sea 精卫填海
Nvwa Creating Human Beings 女娲造人
Shennong Discovering the Curative Virtues of Plants 神农尝百草
Chang'e Flying to the Moon 嫦娥奔月
The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 八仙过海
All Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix 百鸟朝凤
Morin Khuur Suho and the White House 马头琴

Paperback, English, 32 Pages/book, 8.3"x11.25"
Item: Illustrated Famous Chinese Myths
Our Price:US$ 13.95
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