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Sommer-Time Story Classics BST292


Once upon a time, there was an emperor who would like to wear new clothes and he spent all the money for buying new clothes while his people lived in poverty. One day, two cheaters came to this country and they lied that they could make graceful and magic clothes and identify whether people were qualified to serve the emperor's clothes. The emperor was very happy and he granted many treasures to the two cheaters. Please click here for a more detailed description.

       萨默品德养成系列绘本,包括12个源自伊索寓言、安徒生童话、西方民间传说的经典故事,全新演绎为适合3-6岁孩子阅读的有趣绘本,在愉快的亲子阅读中引导孩子轻松收获12种美好品德。妈妈爱讲,孩子爱听! 请参阅更多的内容介绍

Book Titles:
The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新装
Androcles And The Lion 安德鲁克里斯和狮子
Stone Soup 石头汤
Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽
The Boy Who Cried Wolf  狼来了
Tortoise and the Hare  龟兔赛跑
The Little Red Hen  小红母鸡
The Miller, His Son, and their Donkey  父子和驴
Chicken Little  忧天小鸡
The Lion and the Three Bulls  狮子和公牛
The Lion and the Mouse  狮子和老鼠
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse  城里老鼠和乡下老鼠

Paperback, by Carl Sommer, Simplified Chinese Character, 32 pages/book, 11.25"x8.2"
Item: Sommer-Time Story Classics
Our Price:US$ 10.95
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