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You're a Hero, Daley B BSW040


Daley B's life is full of questions. What is he? Where should he live? What should he eat? But the question he finds most perplexing of all is why his feet are so big. Jazzy D, the weasel, pays him a visit and puts him straight as to his identity, before pouncing for the kill. Quick as a flash Daley B turns his back and kicks the weasel up in the air and back to where he came from. The other rabbits jump and cheer. "You're a hero Daley B!" they cry. "That's funny," says Daley B. "I thought I was a rabbit".

兔子达利B有好多烦恼:他是谁?他应该住在哪里?他应该吃什么?他统统不知道!而最让他疑惑的是他为什么长了一双大脚。当可怕的黄鼠狼洁西D出现在森林里时,一切即将真相大白。这一次,达利B找到答案了吗? 这个有趣故事中,每个动物都有可爱又俏皮的造型,表情生动多变,让小朋友认识森林里的动物,也学会认识自我。

By Jon Blake, Illustrated by Axel Scheffler, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Character, 24 pages, 10.5"x8.8"
Item: You're a Hero, Daley B
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