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Little Tree BSW1055


In the middle of a little forest, there lives a Little Tree who loves his life and the splendid leaves that keep him cool in the heat of long summer days. Life is perfect just the way it is.
Autumn arrives, and with it the cool winds that ruffle Little Tree's leaves. One by one the other trees drop their leaves, facing the cold of winter head on. But not Little Tree—he hugs his leaves as tightly as he can. Year after year Little Tree remains unchanged, despite words of encouragement from a squirrel, a fawn, and a fox, his leaves having long since turned brown and withered. As Little Tree sits in the shadow of the other trees, now grown sturdy and tall as though to touch the sun, he remembers when they were all the same size. And he knows he has an important decision to make.

美国金风筝奖获得者  纽约时报畅销书作者/插画师《玩具船去航行》作者罗伦·隆新作这是一本关于自然的生命教育绘本 ,叙述了一段深刻而又隽永的成长故事。树林里有一棵小树,他很喜欢自己的生活和身上美丽的叶子,那些叶子让他在炎热漫长的夏日保持清凉。他觉得这样的生活很好。秋天到了,冷风吹得小树的叶子簌簌作响。其他的树,一棵接一棵,叶子纷纷落下,正面迎向寒冬。只有小树例外。他紧紧抓着自己的叶子不放。一年一年过去了,小树没有改变。他的叶子又黄又枯萎,还是没有落下。他担心自己如果没有叶子,不知道会怎么样?有一天,小树再也感受不到阳光,他做出了改变的决定,奇妙的事情发生了……清新简洁的画风将四季的更替循环跃然纸上,大幅画面留白给人无限想象空间;该绘本透过自然向孩子传递浓浓的生命哲学。小树由新生到长成参天大树这样一个漫长过程,却无时无刻不在告知孩子通过周围环境正确认识世界,认识自己是世界中的一个个体,需要与世界共同经历生命的蜕变与循环的道理。

By Loren Long, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 40 pages, 11"x9.3"
Item: Little Tree
Starts At:US$ 12.95
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