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A Rabbit Without Ears BSW1141


A rabbit without ears can do anything as good as other rabbits. But because he has no ears, no one wants to be his friend, which makes him very sad. One day he finds a small egg. Who is inside the egg? Could there be a friend for him inside?

《没有耳朵的兔子》 有一只没有耳朵的兔子,他能跑、能跳、爱吃胡萝卜。其他的兔子都和他做朋友,就连狐狸都懒得捉他。可是,在他捡到了一个蛋后,一切都变了……图书富有创意地将电影拍摄技巧融于绘本当中,形成独特的画面语言。作者用巧妙的构图和温馨的画面,告诉读者:不管你有多特别,只要能够认同自己,同样能够快快乐乐。

《没有耳朵的兔子和两只耳朵的小鸡 》两只耳朵的小鸡和没有耳朵的兔子是一对*好的朋友。他们形影不离——一起吃饭,一起赛跑,一起跳跃,一起藏猫猫……可是,无论做什么,没有耳朵的兔子都比两只耳朵的小鸡做得更好。不过,小鸡肯定在某些方面超强! 他的强项到底是什么呢?​​​​​​​

Book Titles:

By Klaus Baumgart, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 36 pages, 9.2"x9.2"
Item: A Rabbit Without Ears
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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