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Town is by the Sea BSW1220


A young boy wakes up to the sound of the sea, visits his grandfather's grave after lunch and comes home to a simple family dinner, but all the while his mind strays to his father digging for coal deep down under the sea. Stunning illustrations by Sydney Smith, the award-winning illustrator of Sidewalk Flowers, show the striking contrast between a sparkling seaside day and the darkness underground where the miners dig.

With curriculum connections to communities and the history of mining, this beautifully understated and haunting story brings a piece of history to life. The ever-present ocean and inevitable pattern of life in a maritime mining town will enthrall children and move adult readers. 


晚上,爸爸下班回家。 他看起来很疲倦,但会给我大大的笑容和拥抱。 一天的工作结束了,他在家,平平安安的。 孩子一天的等待就是为了这一刻。小男孩的爸爸是一位深海的煤矿工人。每天,当男孩醒来,他会望向窗外的那片海,那里有他的爸爸,在深深的海底挖煤。之后,无论小男孩是和朋友一起兴奋地荡秋千,还是去集市上买东西,又或者在吃午餐,他总是想起深深的海底有他的爸爸在辛勤地工作。本书用诗意的语言、细腻的图画和完美的文图搭配,讲述了海边小镇男孩等待父亲的一天。读完这个故事,孩子会体会到温暖的父子亲情,理解父亲辛苦工作的不易,学会珍惜和感恩自己所拥有的幸福的家庭生活。

By Joanne Schwartz, Illustrated by Sydney Smith, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 52 Pages, 8.5”x11.25”
Item: Town is by the Sea
Our Price:US$ 27.95
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